The brain likes to give

Giving has great power and has a positive effect not only on the person we give it to. It also gives us wings and makes us optimistic. It makes us aware that we have the power and resources needed to make people happy. Sometimes giving someone a gift is more important than receiving a gift from them. Behavioral psychologists call this the “warm-glow” effect.

Why is it worth creating a welcome pack?

A welcome gift is often a surprise, but certainly a nice way to welcome a new employee to the team. A well-thought-out selection of welcome pack elements can make it easier to join the team and even help you better understand the company's culture and values. Such a welcome gift increases the motivation of the new employee and his willingness to acquire the necessary knowledge and quickly get used to the entrusted duties.

What should the welcome pack contain?

There is no perfect recipe for a welcome pack, the set should be adapted to the company, its customs, culture and budget possibilities. It is best to give something aesthetic, a gadget that he will be proud of, he will have it not only in business situations.

Now it's time for you!

Do your company's employees receive welcome packs? Try to make the first days in your new job comfortable. Contact our sales representative who will help you match the set for your company.​